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分类:紀錄片 美國 2022




《追夢少年殷昱國》是由知名导演伊琳卡·卡盧加亞努 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  16-yea r-old Yuguo, who has a passion for  Eastern Eur opean romantic p oetry, makes a pilgrimage from his home in China t o the foothills of Ro mania’s Carpathian Mountains.  There are not ma  ny 16-year-o lds in  China th at spend  their  days reading 19 th century Eastern Eur opean roman tic poetry, but Yuguo is not like most 16-ye ar-olds. Thi s intim ate film  follows Yuguo’s own teena ge romanticism and adventur ous spiri t as he travels to Baca u in Romania to begin a  study abroad prog ramme. Y  uguo’s sincerity and open hearte  dness is infectious and hard for the people of Bacau t o resist. Ac ross just 80 days, we shar e the  beauti ful a dventure of Yuguo’s journey, and witness the pr ofound  impact one pers on c an have in  the li ves of others.  “我又给您装了两枚美人果, 您不管是自己用  ,还是卖,都是可以的。” 说到这里,她顿了顿,笑着 道:“老祖,那 个虎坤龟的大龟壳实在太大了,我们没人能弄开,所以……这活就交给您了,回头您弄 好了,赏 我一个趁手的龟盾就行!”


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