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导演:Mohammed Naqvi Hemal Trivedi 


《信奉者》是由知名导演Mohammed Naqvi Hemal Trivedi 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Controversial Pakis  tani  cleric Maulana Aziz,  linked  to the Taliban, dec lares jihad against  the govern ment t o impose sharia  law. The g overnment reta  liates by destroying his seminar  y, killing his mother, bro ther, his on ly son an d 150 students. The fi lm follows charming   yet menacing Maulana Aziz on his personal qu est to crea te an Islamic  utopia, which causes the country to implode. The Red   Mosque ha  s st udents  allied wi th ISIL, and strong t ies to the Taliban. We mee t two Re d Mosque st udents whose paths diverge:  Talha, 12,  lea ves h is moderate  Muslim family to study to be a ji hadi preacher. Zarina,  also 12, escapes her m adrassa and joins  a normal sc hool. Her education is threatened by   frequent Taliban   attacks  on schools like her  own. In Dece mber, 2014,  the  Taliban mass  acred 132 schoolchildren in Peshawar,  outr agin g Pakistan's m oder  ate majori ty. Aziz9;s longt ime opponent , education  ref ormer Perve z Hoodbho y jo  ins  the re-energ ized anti-e xtremist  movement. Thro ughout the film, he pa ssionately opposes Aziz on television and public  forums. W ith the tide turning against the cleric, Pervez is   determined t  o se e Aziz put  in jail.   Intimate and b rutally honest, AMON G THE BELIE VERS offer s rare  insight into the ideo logica  l bat tle shaping Pakistan and the Mu slim world.  Pakistan  's not orious cleric Maulana Aziz, wit h li nks t o Taliban, declar es jihad against t he governme nt to i mpose sharia  law. This spark s a bloody war  and causes the cou ntry to i mplode.  Alo  ng with Aziz 's que st, the fil m charts th e coming-  of-a ge stories of his tw o students  who are trapped in this i deological war.  从师父那里,听过很多故事的卫九锡看了 眼正在上 香的人,就接着八卦道:“我 师父说,八臂神猿的地宫下, 压的是万生魔神,那位魔神能够分神万千,但有任何一个分神在外,他都不可能死。所以,镇  他之人,必须是个意志坚定,认了死理后,绝不 会被外物影响的八臂 神猿。”

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