• 正在播放:溫斯頓·丘吉爾:世紀巨人-HD中字
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导演:David Korn-Brzoza 

主演:Paul Bandey 

《溫斯頓·丘吉爾:世紀巨人》是由知名导演David Korn-Brzoza 执导的一部紀錄片,Paul Bandey 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Beyond the f amous speec hes and wea  lth o  f media  material on  the  statesman, we span the centu ry as seen f  rom behin d the scenes of an excepti onal itinerary in order to capt  ure the t rue dimensio n of one of the greatest European political figures. Like a thrilling biopic, by turn moving, funny and epic, our  documentary is up to its hero.  Carefully remastered and colorized, the film draw s from a we alth of visual and sound  archives, to give an all-e ncompassing view  of bot  h the pri vate and publ ic man. T hrough the contr asted chapters of his  existenc e, it thus o ffers a  new, unsee n befor e perspective on Chu rchill's character and how he related to power and his co ntempora ries in order to lift the  veil on a colour  ful, puzz ling, pa  radoxical  and captivating personality.  陆灵蹊搂住小家伙时,心里软软的,“我们也 好想你,放心,爷 爷会上来的,青主儿和葵葵也会上 来的,以后还会有敖象、 小贝他们,对了,他们也有礼物给你噢,  神神秘秘地 封着,也没让我看,回  头你瞅瞅,要是宝石什么的,也分我两块玩。”

  • 5.0分2019 完结



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