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导演:Phillip Baribeau 

主演:Jonny Fitzsimons Thomas Glover Ben Thamer 

《不羁之旅》是由知名导演Phillip Baribeau 执导的一部紀錄片,Jonny Fitzsimons Thomas G 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Sixteen  mustangs, four men, one  dream:  to ride border to  bor der, Mexico to Canada, up the spine of the American West.  The documentary tra  cks four fresh-ou   t-of-college buddi  es as the y take on wi ld mustang s to be thei  r trusted mou nts, and se t out on the  advent ure of a lifetime . Their wildne ss of spirit, in both man and hor se, is qui  ckly dwarfed  by the  wil derness t hey must nav  igate: a 3000-mil e gaun tlet that is equally inde scribable and unforgiv  ing.  宁知意点头,“他现 在每次来,都是从这里进。”说到  这里,她想 到什么,现场给她复制了 一枚玉简 ,“陆望老祖参与了仙上楼 三百六十八家的禁制改造,他在各店都弄了一个 随机传送阵,你记 住各店传送阵的位置,以后出门遇到危  险,寻就近的仙上楼,百里内随时可定位传送。”

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