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主演:金明民 崔珉豪 金聖喆 金仁權 郭時旸 梅根·福克斯 喬治·艾德斯 李浩貞 

《長沙裏:被遺忘的英雄們》是由知名导演郭景澤 执导的一部戰爭片,金明民 崔珉豪 金聖喆 金仁權 郭時旸 梅根·福克 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  根 據韓戰期間真實戰事改編。  1950年6月25日,北韓揮  軍越過三八線突襲南韓,三日攻陷漢城(今首爾),戰線不斷南進。在美軍及聯合 國軍支援下,南韓軍 逆勢反擊。美軍指揮官麥克亞瑟提出代號爲「鐵鉻 行動」的仁川登陸計劃,該計劃急需一支大隊的兵力從側翼阻擊擾敵 、聲東擊西,通過長沙裏切 斷北韓軍的補給線。   由于任務本 身極其艱钜,加上南韓國軍當時兵力薄弱,無法抽調 足夠正規軍支 援,軍方不 得不把這項任  務交付給772名學生兵執行,這些學生兵平均年齡只有17歲,  僅僅接受了兩星期的軍事訓 練,在毫無實戰經驗的情 況下投身戰場。 行軍路上固然殺機重重, 戰友內部也 諸多衝突 ,年少氣盛,迸發  出各種角力。   仁川登   陸戰前夕, 長沙裏登陸任務如期執行,這群徒有一腔熱血但戰力薄弱的學生們,無可避 免地接受命運中最殘酷的考驗:穿越炮火與海浪,浴血長灘,馀 下部隊身陷敵軍重重圍 剿,直至彈盡糧絕,掙紮于陣亡與 倖存的分界線上…    Based on t he incredible true story of Jangsari Land  ing Ope  ration. When North Kor ea invades Sout h Kore a on  June  25, 1950, they  pushed Sou th Kore a and i ts ally US Army to  the southernmost city. U .S. Ge neral MacArthur planned  Ope ration Chromite, which  would see the joint allied forces  to take back a stra tegic lo catio n of Inchon and in  order for it t o succeed  , he needed a small batt alion to flank the North Korean ar my and eliminate their supply line at Jangsari beach.  Having lost his family   on his retreat away from North Ko rea  before the War, a mo del stu dent Choi Sung-pil enl ists in  the army  to fight for the South. Ki  Ha- ryun is a rebellious youth fro m the South who volu nteers to fight in  the w ar. All of the 7 72 students and  youths  are like them who are barely out of school with  only 2 weeks of boot camp tra  ining. Task force commander Capta in Lee Myu ng-jun  knows that it’s a l ong shot,  but he has no choice but to lead  them into a crucial mission. Mean while, US war corresponde nt Ma ggie braves the d angers of  the battle field to re port on the war in the f rontlines. S he feels empathy  for the Korean students who must go into bat tle on behalf of  the ve teran soldi ers for  their  country, a nd tri es to do wh at she can on her  end to resc ue them.  With li ttle amm o, scant food supplie s and ragge dy weapons, can  the  students succes sfully c   arry out the ir missi on and return home safely?  宁知意点头,“他现在每次来,都是从这里进。”说到这 里,她想到什么,现场给她复 制了一枚玉简,“陆望老祖参与了  仙上楼三百六十八家的禁制改造, 他在各店都弄了一个 随机传送阵,你记住各店传送阵的位置,以后出门遇到危险, 寻就近的仙上楼,百里内随 时可定位传送。

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