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导演:Takeshi Kawamura 

主演:Akira Emoto 

《最後的科學怪人》是由知名导演Takeshi Kawamura 执导的一部科幻片,Akira Emoto 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Thi s 1992 Japanese  film tell s the st ory of a scientist who sets out to create  the  new " ;super Adam and Eve", hum ans who  cannot be con  trolled by their emoti ons. Of co urse, the end result it  not exactl y what  the good  doctor e xpects.  comments from imdb:  This mo dern tale of an   atte mpt to build a  creature is one of th e best & quot;horror& quot; fi lms ever made,  even if its not  a horr or film but somethin g else  entirely. Certain  ly its on my  short list  of a ll time gre at f ilms.  This  film was introduced to me by  som eone who to ld me &quo t;I have this film that  probably one of the best films y  ou&# 39;ll   ever see. It will mo ve you and touch you and   make you think, b   ut if I told  you what it  is and  told you how its done you will think its the stupidest  thing  on the fac e of it and you won& #39;t wa tch  it."  Intr igued I aske d what did   he me an, and h e sa id, "Well its a Frankenstein story, with a very goofy sort of edge, but which uses it to its  advant age.&q  uot; My ears perked up,  and I bei ng a trusting soul too k the tape and  watched  it. I was blo wn away.   The plot co ncerns a mad scie ntist attempting to make a new A dam   and Eve in th e wa ke of a suicidal plagu e that is r avagin g the world. Locked up in his lab h is ex periments go  differently  then e ither he or we expect . Some o f it is  silly (T  he bolts in  the  neck, the wrestling moves...), all of it is  touch ing and  though t provo king.  I can not recommend this movie e nough. If you are willing to take the film on its  terms  and a llow  it to tell i ts story  then I urge  you  to see k this fil m out a  nd see it. T his   is an undiscovered ge m that will stay wi th y  ou fo  rever.   15 out   of 10 and t  hen som  e. 10/ 10  Also known  as "Th e Last Frankenste   in" , this is an ext raordi nary, impeccably produced horror film.  Director Takeshi Kawamur  a uses Mary Shelle y's novel as a mere launc hing pad for an explora tion of subjects as di verse and fascina ting as the natur  e of  love, de sire, suicide, mass hypn osis, sex,  alienation and jealousy.  And  though the film is dense with sub text, it is also stunningl y photograph   ed and rich  in atmospher  e and det  ail. The performances are all amaz  ing and Kawa  mura9;s sensitive h andling  of the st range,  delicate relationships between the characters results in an emotion ally charged, angs t-ridden tragedy.   The scenes of the c onfused, troubled mon ster hurtling thro ugh a fog-shrou ded fo rest at  nig ht are memo rable   and striki ng, as i s a brilliant home movie-style  montage of the fil m';s mo re curious c hara cters e njoying a  precious afternoon at the beach. Kawamura creates re sona ting visual  poetry of   horror and sadness barely sigh ted since T odd Brow  ning' s clas sic "  ;Freaks".  Intelli gent, emoti  onal, tragic and real, th is is  an abs olute   gem. 9/10  宁知意点头,“他现在  每次来, 都是从这里 进。”说到这里,她想 到什么,现场给她复制了一枚玉简,“陆望老祖参与了仙上楼三百六十 八家的禁制 改造,他在各店都弄了一个随机传送阵,你记住各  店传送阵的位置,以后出门遇到危险,寻就近的 仙上楼,百里内随时可定位传送。”

  • 8.0分1953 HD


  • 10.0分2008 HD


  • 2.0分2004 HD


  • 4.0分2014 HD


  • 7.0分2012 HD


  • 10.0分2008 HD


  • 2.0分2009 HD


  • 4.0分2011 HD


  • 10.0分2018 HD


  • 2.0分2013 HD


  • 9.0分2004 HD


  • 9.0分2008 HD



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