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导演:Michael Waldman 

主演:Michael Waldman 

《最後的公爵》是由知名导演Michael Waldman 执导的一部紀錄片,Michael Waldman 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Crea ted by the monarch,  Dukedoms are gradually becoming extin ct - the las t one  was create d by Queen Victoria. In  this  one-off  documentary Michael Waldman meets some of  the last vestiges of  this level of British aristocracy, and asks wh at has bec ome of those who remain.  In 2012 So uth Afri can  Bruce Mur ray fo und himself  becoming the 12th  Duke of Atholl and head ing up  the only  private arm y in Europe - the Atholl Highlanders.  If Camilla Osborne had   been a boy, sh e would have   inherited her  fathe r’s Dukedom, but n ow there is no longer  a Du ke of Lee ds.  The Duke and Duche ss of St Alb ans don’t have a stately pil e, but d o have   their  corone ts and coronation robe  s.  One of th e few Dukes to still sit in the H ouse of  Lords, The Eighth Du ke of Montrose (pictured ) is a h ill fa rmer by trade. He cont inues the f amily tradit ion of bein g intima  tely involve d in t he po litical relation ship between Scot land and E ngland.  The Duchess of Rutland was  determined to make Belvoir C   astle an effic ient business,  living onsit e in one wi ng, with  her estranged husband the D uke  living in another. T heir elder teen daught ers are prepared for  when  the title is  passed down  to their  younge r brothe r.  W hilst at Bl enheim   Palace,  Lady Rosemar y Spen cer Churchill, daughter of t he 1 0th Duke of Mar lborough, revisits her childhood home. Her nephew su cceeded to the title only recently and  it’s  a rather   a different Blenhe im to the on e she rem  embers.  好半晌,他才放下玉简抬头看向陆灵蹊, “有这事。”他站起来,走向另一边的玉架,从上面拿了一枚蓝玉制成的玉佩,“当初主人 觉得,佐 蒙人不会放过天渊七界飞  升的一切生灵,但是人族寿元就那么多,人心复杂,他没办法因势力 导,但是妖族却可以。”

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