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分类:劇情片 英國 1938

主演:Anna Neagle Anton Walbroo 

导演:Herbert Wilcox 


《榮耀六十年》是由知名导演Herbert Wilcox 执导的一部劇情片,Anna Neagle Anton Walbroo 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Sixty Glorious Yea rs is an  exercise i n the creation of iconography, both for Victoria  and its star, Anna  Neagle (who subsequently  became known  as & #39;Regal Neagle 9;). Just a s Elizabeth I commissioned  artists to  create flatteri ng iconic images for public con  sumption, s o this film per forms a sim ilar f  unction, for Neagle is more beautiful than the real lif e Victoria. Contr oversial e vents (such   as the  'Ir ish problem& #39;)  are omitted and unpleasant aspects of  Victoria's ch arac ter (her petulan ce, arr ogance, favouritism and 'right to p rivilege&# 39;) ar e glossed over as end earing lit tle 'whi ms'. Albert act s as a mo derating i nfluence when she goes too f  ar.  The f ilm follow  ed a year after  the highly succes sful Vic toria the Great  (d. Herbert Wilcox, 1937). Agai n the screenplay is by Mil es Malle  son and  Robert  Vansittart, and many  of the supporti ng cast (the cream of ac ting talent of period ) rep eat their roles, this time for the colour camer as. This was  the first  full  length Technicolor film of cinematogra pher  Freddie Young, who captures the spectacle of  roy al weddings, grand ball s and op ulent int eriors,  with scen es actually filmed at r oyal palaces. Vivid battle scenes, set in Al exand er Kor da's emp ire territory (Sevastopol and t he Sudan), rival those in The Four F eathers (  d. Zoltan  Korda   1939).  The title  music se ts the  tone: a regal choir sing s over a s  hot of the crown.  Elgar';s 1901 9;Pomp  and Circumstance ' march is heard during  the diam ond jubilee celebrations and, as Victoria's coffin lies in  state, the  film   conc ludes with Ant hony Collins'  stately music accompanied b y the text of Rudyard  Kipling&# 39;s &# 39;Lest we forget9;. Combi ned with the emotional ap  peal of sce nes of  Victoria  connect ing with her 9;ordinary folk';, t his is  stirring st  uff.  The film connects wit  h conte mporary events of 19  38. The release  of two c elebrato  ry ro yal films was intended to boost publi c affection for the  monarchy i n the wake of Edward VIII' s abdica tion. Ang lo-Germ an relations w ere ano ther touc hy subj  ect. With another war on th e horizon, influentia l voices wan ted a ppease ment,   and the f ilm  could be se en to fi t that agend a. Victoria herself was of mainly Germa n descent, nicknamed & #39; the grand mother of Europe', w hile Albert  is a &# 39;good German9;, cha rmingly  play ed by Anton Walbrook as a cultured, decent m an.  Sixty Glorious Year s now seems unduly for mal and re verent ial.  Had movies existed du ring Vict oria' ;s reign (they only emerged at the end) thi s might have been the kind of film produced . Unl ike Mrs  Brown (d. John Madden, 1997) , it  is all so  very 'Victor ian'.  R oger  Philip Mellor  此时,球中的陆灵蹊在小小的水镜中,清楚地看到 了外面的一切,她小心地戳了戳蓝玉板上的另一个好像半圆的符文,腰间一股柔力袭来,把她 挤到一边,一张好像全由小 网织成的东西,从两端连结到到一 起,看着……似乎是可以躺 的。

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