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分类:紀錄片 其它 2014


导演:Vanessa Lapa 


體面的人意思, 《體面的人》是由知名导演Vanessa Lapa 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  On 6 May 1945, soldiers o f the 88th  US Infan try Divi sion occupied t he Himmlers’  family home in   Gmund on Lake Tegernsee where the y discovered hundreds of p rivate letters, docum ents, journals and photograp hs. The film makes use of these mater ials and   copious archive  footag e to sketch the biography of SS commander Heinrich Himm ler  who committed su icide at the end of M  ay 1945 by taking a cyanide capsule.  How did  thi s nationali stic lower-middle-class man b ecome Hitler’s he nchman respon sible for developing and  executing the strate gies that led to the murder of millions of J  ews, homose xuals,  Commu nists and Romany people? Where did his ideology originate? How  did he s ee hi  mself and h ow was he perceived in priv ate by his wife Margarete, his d  aughter Gudrun an d his mist ress H edwi  g? How could  the man  who often referred to so-called G erman virtu es s uch as order, decenc y and goodne  ss also writ e home in the midst of the war  and Holocaust: ‘I  am well in spite of my heavy workload ’? What wa s it that ca used his d aught er to say after a visit to Dachau c oncentration camp: ‘It w as lovely  …’ A film about the pretensions of  a mass mur derer and the repre ssion o f an  y sen se of gui  lt.  Berlinale 2014  宁知意点头,“他现 在每次来 ,都是从 这里进。”说到这里, 她想到什么,现场 给她复制了一枚玉简,“陆望老祖 参与了仙上楼三百六 十八家的禁制改造,他在各店都弄了一个随机传送阵,你记住  各店传送 阵的位置,以后出门遇到危险, 寻就近的仙上楼,百里内随时可定位传送。”



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