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9.0 力荐

分类:紀錄片 法國 2019

主演:Alessandro Antonelli Piet 

导演:Agostino Ferrente 


《拿坡裏少年自拍日記》是由知名导演Agostino Ferrente 执导的一部紀錄片,Alessandro Antonelli Piet 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  《自拍》是16歲的戴維德·比福爾科(Da videBifolco)一案的獨特記錄 ,他在特雷亞諾的那不  勒斯(Neapo  litanDistrictofTraiano)被一名憲兵 射殺。爲了了解一個經常被描繪成貧民區和“ 卡莫拉”據點的街區,以及 戴維德死亡的情況,導演 Agost ino Ferrente尋找戴維德 的朋友,並會見了Pietro和Aless andro。在這部電 影的序言中,有  人聽到他在攝影機前問,“告訴我你的友誼” ,這揭示了他對這個 一貫合作的紀實小說項目的態度。他讓  孩子們帶上手機和麥克 風,把他們的日常生活記錄成一部“自拍”電影,無論他們是騎著摩托車,在海灘 上,和朋友一起玩,還是在廁所裏。在一個自我戲劇化經常成爲産品的時代,這是一種完美的形式。其結果是一幅令人印象深刻的拼貼畫,無論是 視覺上還是在電影的音軌上,都是關于青  春期;關于你的背景決定你未來的生活;關于國家專制;關于憤怒和悲 傷,但最重要的是, 在一個堅韌統治的  男性世界裏,一段溫柔的童年友誼。  Selfie is a uniqu e record  of the case  of 16-year-old  Davide Bifolco,   who was shot de ad by a carabiniere in the  Neapolitan d istrict of Trai ano. To understand a neighbourhood often portrayed as a ghetto and ‘Camorra’ strongho ld, as we ll as the circumsta nces of D avide’s dea th, director  Agostino Ferrente seeks out Davide’s friends an d meets Pietro and Al essandro.  In t he film’s  introduction he is h eard asking off-came ra, ‘tell m e about yo ur friendsh ip’, which reveal s his approach  to this consisten tly coll aborative docume ntary-fiction project. Eq uipping t he boys wi th a mobil e phone and a microphone, he asks them  to do cument  their e veryday li ves as a ‘selfie’ film, whether t hey are ri ding a scooter, at the bea ch, hangin g ou t with f riends or on the toile t. This tur  ns out  to be the  perfect format   in an age where self-dramatisa tion often becomes a product. The  result is   an impressive collage,  both visua lly and in the fil m’s audio t rack, about adol escence; about lives where your back  ground deter mines your f uture; about state d espotism; about anger and grief, but above all ab  out a tender boyhood fr iendship in a ma le wo rld in whic h to  ughness   reigns.  说到这里,木头人顿了顿,“你可能不 知道,我主人一直怀疑,他们之中,有早就到这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。他说,那个人智计无双,大家一直查不到他,可能是因为,那人的修为  远在他们之上,是对方 隐藏起来的第三位圣 者。”



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