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2.0 很差

分类:喜劇片 美國 1972

主演:庫爾特·拉塞爾 恺撒·羅摩洛 喬·弗林 



海綿寶寶 隱形噴霧, 《隱形噴霧》是由知名导演羅伯特·巴特勒 执导的一部喜劇片,庫爾特·拉塞爾 恺撒·羅摩洛 喬·弗林 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Now You  See  Him,  Now Y ou Don';t is a 197 2 Walt Disney Product ions film starring Kurt Russell as a chemistry stu dent who acc identall y disco  vers the  secret to invisibility. It is  the seq uel to the 1969 film The Comp uter Wore Tennis Shoes and was follo wed by 1975's  The Str ongest M an in the  World.   N ow You See Him, Now You  Don&# 39;t was the  first  Disney film to be show  n on te levision in a two-hour  time slot, in 1975.Pr evio  us televisio n showings of Disney films had either shown them ed ited or split into  two one-hour time slots.   At Me dfield Co llege, science buff Dexter Riley an d his friends, i ncluding Richard  Schuyl er and D ebbie Dawson, eavesdrop v ia a hidden  walkie- talkie on a board meeti ng led  by De an Eugene Higgins, discussin  g th e small  college ' s contin uing prec ariou s finances. Later t hat aft ernoon , Profess or Lufkin shows Higgins ar ound the science lab whe re Dexter is working on an  experiment with i  nvisibility and   another student, Druffle, ex plores  the flig  ht of bum blebees. Tha t ni ght, during a p owerful thunderstorm , the  roof of the  lab is st ruck by lightni ng, se  nding a current of ele ctricity  down a metal  beam and th rough Dexter's complex experim ent c omponents. T he next  day, as Dexter examines hi s burnt equipment with dis may, Higgins  meets with A.J.   Arno, a recently released prisoner, who  had also purchased Medf ield  9;s mortgage. When Dexter accidentally drop s one half o f his glasses into a contain er of his expe rimental fo rmula, it a ppears a s if the su bstance destroys them, but upon close r examination, Dexter realizes t he frame s are merely parti ally in visible. After several tests, Dexte r pla ces his fing ers in the  liquid and  they disap pear. Schuy ler and Debbie  arrive  and are horrified to see Dexter with a  partial hand, but Dexter insists S chuyler test the substance a s well, admittin g only afterward  that he does not ye t have a n antidot e.  Just then, Higgins bring s Arno to visit  the lab,  stunn ing the students , as only two years earlier, Dexter was  instrumental in exp  osing Arno&# 39;s cr ooked  gambling sche me. Dexter and the others notice that Arno is more concerne d with t he campus architecture than Higgins&# 39; speech  . Curious about Arno's  behavior, Dexter conv inces Schuyler to use   the invisibi lity formula to sneak into A rno';s office t hat night. Although th ey are nearly discovered w hen Schuyler steps into a puddle, making his tennis shoes visibl e, the boys get  inside Arno's office where they find a model of Medfield College redesigned as a spr awli ng gambling est ablishment. Afte r takin g photos of the model, the b oys fl  ee with De bbie 9;s help.  The next day Dexter shows the photos to  Lufkin  and Higg  ins. Convinced t hat Druffle9;s bum  blebee study would draw atten tion and investments  to Medfield, Higg ins reacts angr ily when D exter a ssures him that his invisibility formula could win the top  prize mo ney in th e upcoming Fo  rsythe science contest. Not having admitted to any  one   that Medfield has been dropped from th  e contes t for b eing too insig nificant, Hi ggins contacts the contest';s sponso r, milliona ire Timothy Forsythe, a nd agrees to meet ove r a g ame of golf  , despite  his inab ility to play. Upon le  arning of  Higgins'; plan a nd suspec ting it mus t be con nected with rais ing  money f or the colleg  e, Dexter urges Schuyler to volu nteer to serve  as Higgins' ; caddy wh  ile, hid  den by the inv  isibility formula, he w ill take contro l of Higgin s 9; golf ball . At the go lf club, Forsyt he and th e state univer sity dean,  Collings good, are amazed by Higgins'; quirk y golfing  abilities, which in  clude numerous h ole-in-o ne-shots, as is Ar no who is also at  the club.   After the game, Forsythe agrees to reinstate Medfield  into the competition. Meanwhile, A rno accident ally sees De xter becoming visible in the  club sh owers  and grows suspici ous. When the local tele vision news  covers Higgi ns'; extra ordinary golf game, he is invited to join an exclus ive tournament in  nearby Oce an City. Convince d tha t he will wi n enough money to pay the college's mor tgage, Hig gins brashly  accepts and  that  afterno on departs with Schuyler. Learni ng of the t ournament  from Druffle too late, Dexter m isses the pl ane and is forc ed to watc h the compet ition on television where Higgins 9; game against t wo professi onals is a disaster. Arno and his henchmen, Cookie and Alfred,  also watch t he tournament and po nder Hig  gins  9; odd inconsistency. Upon returning t o the college, Higgins tells Lufkin that Druffle' s bumble bee expe  riment is the school's last chance. Both men are stun ned when Druff  le ap pear s swathe d in bandages  after  being  att acked by the bumblebees, to which he is a  llergic. Hoping  to assuage the crestfal  len H iggins, Lufkin s uggests that they give  Dexte r's unp roven fo rmula a chance and the dean  reluctantly agrees.  That e veni  ng, Cookie, disguis ed as a jan itor, sneaks into  the c ampus lab where he witnesses Dex ter and Schuyler  using the invisibility s pray and re ports  to Arno , who orders  him to  return and steal it. The f ollowin g day, Forsythe and members  of his  commi  ttee arrive on  campus to judge the best scie nce experiment at th e college. Unaw  are that their spray bottle has been rep lace d by Cookie , Dexter an d Schuyler make   their pr esen tation  and are stunned  when it has no effect . Forsythe  and H iggins depart as Dexter rem ains conf used unt il he chats w ith Char lie the janitor . Learning that there is no night janitor, Dexter realizes that Cookie likely stol e the fo  rmula. Concluding  that A rno m  ust be behi nd the theft, Dexter plants  a walkie-talkie  in his off ice.  A couple of days later, Schuyler overhears Arno plotting with Cookie to rob the Med  fiel d Bank by  making themselves and the money invisible . Cert ain that  if he could retrieve   the for mula before the Forsythe  Award announcement tha t night he could still win the c ontest , Dext er send s Schuyler to the police and go es to inform the bank9;s president,  Wilfred Sam pson.  When both t he police a nd Sam pson dismiss the boys' ; story about invis ibilit y, Dex ter an d his  friends gather outsid e of   the bank. When an invis ible Arno and Cookie k nock out  the guards and take th e money, Dexter unsuccessfully tri es to use a fire hydr ant to hose the men down as they ex it the b ank. Sampson contacts the police, who join the college stu dents in a w ild chase of the c ar driven by the invisible  robbers  .  Afte  r briefly eluding everyone, Arno orders Cookie to make the car invisible, but they are s potted on a  dirt road in a park. Deducing Arno  will not leave town but go to his home instea d, De xter drives there and forces Ar no's car into a  swimming pool where  it, the mo  ney,  and  the men becom e visibl e. Arno an d his henchmen are arrested.  Dexter and the others  dash to the presentation  of t he Forsythe  Award and plead for  one more opportuni ty to demonstrate the ir invention. Frus trated by Dexter' s determination, Higgins intervenes just as Dext er sprays Schuyl er, and, again , there is   no result. R ealizing the dip in the pool h as di luted  the formula , Dexter tries to exp lain to Fors ythe. Just when Hig gins te lls everyo  ne for the las t time that invisibility does not exist, the top half of him becomes invisible,  thu s shocking t he group and winning the t op prize to save Medfield for another ye ar.  按规矩,两人每收一个 人的好处,就要往外掏点货  ,偏偏他们是一个一个飞升的,总不好意思把说过的消息,再给他们来一遍,  没办法下,待到文遥 飞升,人家又给他们摆了一席,两人把该说的都说了,只能跟他  们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人  伏杀的事了。

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