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4.0 较差

分类:恐怖片 美國 1958

主演:Marshall Thompson Shirley 

导演:Edward L. Cahn 


《外星惡客》是由知名导演Edward L. Cahn 执导的一部恐怖片,Marshall Thompson Shirley 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   Out  of th e fifties  'B' Science-Fiction monst er movies, this easily r anks as the be st. It 9;s mos t no table as t he film tha  t ALIEN  is an unaccredited remake of , thus givin g it a certain h istoric al signi fican ce.   The int riguing plot  is a bout the rescue of the o nly marooned surv ivor (C ol. Carruthers) of an ill-fated expedition t o Mars. Th e aut horities, pig-he aded as usual, fal  sely assume that he murdered his fellow crew members, so that he'd have more provisions to survive; hence h e is being brought ba ck to Earth t o face court-martial for murder. (There  is also  a somewhat inte resting plot reversal here: Most  movies of this nature usually begin with t he s hip leaving Earth  , enroute to  its oth erworld  destinati on, while, in this case, the & quot;st ory&q uot; is  believed  finished, and begins as the c  haracters take-off from the other plane  t, r eturning t o Earth). As the rescu e ship is leaving Mars, a lurking, ominous sha dow is seen in th e lower com partme  nt. (A frightening, atmos pheric moment, accomplished throug h sheer economy and simpli city).   Carruthers insists of his i nnocen ce to his fel low cap tors,  claiming that his origin  al c rew  mates were slaugh tered by a hostile, unseen  presence on the desolute r ed planet, but  three-guesses as to th eir reacti  on t o his un usual plea. Naturally, he can't  prove it, and 50's space aut horities were n ot very alien conscience a  t the time . (As a side-thought, "unseen menace " may r emind you of that highly "original&quo t; BLAIR WITCH).   As every one sac  ks o ut, a haple ss supporting charactor  whose nam e is at  the  bottom o f the casting list (  guess what will happe n to him?) hears something in the lower  compartment. Despite your futile  "do n't go d own there, you jerk!" ple as, he does just that, and is appropriately killed (more like thoroughly oblite rated) by the sh adowy figur e with   insatia ble blood lust on its min d. In  the victim's case, dereliction  of duty and sheer cowardlines s would ha ve bee n th e wise decis ion. The scene i s actual ly well-dir ected (for a chan ge) and develops muc h suspen se, as t  he ent ire film s urpri singly does.  The crew finally catches on that the y have an u nwanted shi p cr asher on  board,  and try every po ssible mean s at thei r disposal to  elimina te it,  but the unknown c reature seems to copping an anti-dea th a ttitude. Proving to be an even more  clever, wor thy a dversary ,  9;IT!' a lso hides out in the ventilation shaf ts of  the ship (now t hat should ring a bell ). Cahn's forc eful direction ge  nerates cons idera ble t  ension as the malevolent stowaway wor ks its way up from one level of t he conf ined ship to the next, even tually   leav ing the r emaining characters  trapped at t  he top. The movie's suspense i s blunt and ri ght to the  point: "IT!&# 39; has to kill  them o  r starve,  hence they have to kill &quo  t;IT!"; or die.  Nothing like those "no  two ways about it&quo t; choices.  Rent it, or check for it on cable if you wi  sh to know  the ou tcome.   For a low -budget  quickie, IT! is quite impres sive and memorable. The dre  aded  sense of claustrophobic ten sion, rende ring the cha racters' hel pless  entra pment, is h ighly effective. This  is a prod uction in wh ich the limited budget and small se ts actually w ork in favor of the p lot9;s scary ambience. The b  lack & white photography (Yes, it';s one of t  hose!) helps to en hance its d ark, creepy mood, and the sense  of ap prehensi on is quite high. (  Modern day color frea ks never seem to  take  that into c onsiderati on). The plo t is als o somewhat cynical  ly ironic: If the cr eature hadn't stow ed away on the ship,  Carruthers would have most likely  been found guilty of the charges against him.  The intelligent  script (see what I m ean about & quot;  rareity ") was penned by noted Science-Fictio n autho r Jerome Bix by (remember Twili ght Zone 9;s "It's  a Good Life" ;)? Th e picture's taut ed iting  eliminates any extraneous dr  oss. (A  LIEN tended to drag in its fir st hour with its sophomoric di alogue, and why did it have to inclu de t hat stupid and ult imate ly c ounter-productive sub-plo t of A sh being a robo t, and fur ther dragging the story down  to another  big bad conspiracy cliche? UNNECESSARY!! !)   Director Cahn astutely keeps the rubber-suite d monster off-screen and in the shadows t hrough-o ut most of the pr oceedings, ke eping your  paranoid  imaginat  ion  on constant alert. Unfortunately, perhaps a  t the st udio's commercial insistance, it is a littl e over-rev  ealed at th e clima x, but I haven' ;t claimed  this  to be th  e perfect masterpiece. The performan ces, though nothin g award-winning, are neverth eless cool enoug h so that one becomes sincerely concerned as to their fates. N ot many m ovies in recent times ever come  close to achieving that. They  can be over-produced from  here to eternity,  and usually only succeed in being glorio usly annoying.  This film's story is n  ot really totally original  (what i s?), for it is  base d on A.E. Van Vogt's "VOYAGE OF THE SPACE BEAGLE." All ALIEN fanatics shou ld track d own an old used copy to see whe  re the i nitial influence came from .  As long as you 9;re not cr  aving another CGI wind-  ding, y ou may find it w orth while. Just don';t expect the women  to be Ri pley pr ecursors.  This was st ill the   sock- knitting fifties, sad t o sa  按规矩,两人每收一个人的好处,就要往外掏点 货,偏偏他们是一个一个飞升的, 总不好意思把说过的消息,再给他们来一遍, 没办法下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他们摆了一席, 两人把该  说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人伏杀的事了。

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