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分类:紀錄片 法國 1968

主演:H. Rap Brown 斯托克利·卡邁克爾 El 



黑豹黨,黑豹黨 以色列,黑豹黨 2pac,黑豹黨 阿甘,黑豹黨 英文,黑豹黨 饒舌歌手,黑豹黨 歷史,阿甘正傳 黑豹黨, 《黑豹黨》是由知名导演阿涅斯·瓦爾達 执导的一部紀錄片,H. Rap Brown 斯托克利·卡邁克爾 El 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  This ri veti ng documen  tary, "Black P anthers - Huey!", directed by Fren  ch filmmaker Agnes Varda transpo rts you to t  he pivotal Free Huey rally held on February 17th , 1968 (Newton's bir  thday), at Oakland Auditorium in   Alameda, California. Newt on, t he charismatic   youn g college stu dent who, along with Bobby Seale, c reated the Bl ack Pa nther Pa rty, had been jailed for allegedly  killing a   police offi cer. His arr est--widely believed at the time to  be a setup--galvanized Party support throughou  t the nation  and le d to a boom  in Party membership, bringing a new  level of public attention to the Panthers9; cause. Over 5,000 people attended the rall y, which f  eatured Party le aders and  guest speak  ers including Eldridge Cleaver,  Bobb y Seale, James For  man, B  ob Avakian,  Stoke ly Carmi chael, H. Rap Brow n and Ron Dellums.  Through stark un-editoria lized fo otage, this  documenta ry chronicle s the s  peake rs outlin   ing the Party 9;s platform goals, their strategi es for freeing Newton from jail and more.  想到那个神出鬼没的东西,印颜的心又剧烈跳动起来,“本来,昌长老感觉能 按住那条大尾巴,可是,不知怎的,它突然又 厉害起来 ,然后, 那小冥兽 ,好像鬼魅一般,借着地利,连着 抹了西才  他们的脖子,昌长老没办法,才完全放开了身体的封印  。”



  • 3.0分1968 HD


  • 6.0分2015 HD


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