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主演:約翰·艾姆普拉斯 林肯·馬澤爾 Christine Forrest 

《馬丁》是由知名导演喬治·A·羅梅羅 执导的一部劇情片,約翰·艾姆普拉斯 林肯·馬澤爾 Christine 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Martin (John   Amplas),  a young man who looks ar ound 20-years-old, bo ards a train in India napolis, Indiana for New York. At n ight, he bre aks into a sleeping c  ar an d sedates a woman   with a sy ringe full of narcotics. She struggles, but  he tells her n ot to st ruggle or be upset becau se she wont  feel pain. After a few  min utes, the woman fa  lls aslee p, and Martin has sex with the unconscious woman. A fterwards,  he slices her wris  ts wit h a razor blade  so h e can drink her bl ood. The w oman bleeds to death i  n her sleep.   In  the morn ing, the tr ain stop s in P ittsburgh, Pennsylvan  ia where Martin disemb  arks. He is met by Tata  Cuda (Lincoln Maazel  ) an e lderly an d hostile old man who cl aims to be  his c ousin from the Old World. T ogether, they travel by another trai n to th e town   of Braddock, a  dying industrial subu rb. They wa lk to Cud a's l arge house where he  shows Martin his living quart ers. Cuda then accuses Martin of bein  g an 84-year-old vampire f rom hi s old country. He has taken in Ma rtin  because   he is family, but tells him, " ;First I w ill s ave your soul.  Then I   shall destroy you." Martin  denies being a vampire and imp  lies that Cuda is merely his uncl e rathe r th an his cous in. Cuda t hen puts up s trings of garlic on the doors to his and his gr anddaughter's room, and then hold s up a small cross  when Mart  in app roaches him . Mart in takes awa y the c ross, and even takes a bite of the garlic mocking the se attempt s by say ing bit terly, ";Ther e's no real magic.  .. ever".   Cuda tells  Martin that he can come an d go as he pleases.  But he als  o warns Martin that he will  kill him if he kil ls anyo  ne in  Braddock. He also tells Mart in to stay away f  rom his granddaughter Christine (Ch ristine  Forrest), w hom arrives home from  her job tha t even ing.  Cuda introduces Christine t  o Martin  , but also warns her to  stay away from hi m. But  Christin e instead strikes up a   friendship  with Ma rtin who confid  es in her ab out his vampire heritage. W hen Cuda later confirms Martin's cl aims to be a vampire, Christine, not sur prisingl y, refuses t o believe either on e. She thin ks that Cuda  and the ot her m embers of he r family have driven M artin to insanity by m aking him think  that he is a va mpire. It is never revealed i f Mart in really i s a vampire, or just a shy a  nd lonely  youth wi th trou  bled issues. Christine is th e only perso n that Martin gets the courage to talk to. When  Christine's boy  friend Arthur (Tom Savini) arrive s at the  house for  dinner, Martin  stops talk ing and backs aw ay des pite Arthur& #39;s attemp t at a conver sation. Christine later confi des in Martin th  at she hopes to   leave  Braddock someday with Ar  thur, even though Martin points  out that Arthur tr eats her  badly and is both verbally an d ph ysically abusive t owards her.   When Christine sees that Ma rtin  won't talk to anyone else, she  buys him a phone which he installs in his roo m. Martin begins to repeatingly cal l a rad io talk show where he d  escribes what it' s like to be a vampir  e. He beco mes known on th e radio as "the Count&q uot; to  all the listener s. But the  patr onizing host (Michae l Gornick) thinks he's just crazy.  Martin gets a job at Cuda's  gro cery store of sto cking shelves, hauling  boxes aro und, and even gets to be a de  livery boy for  some of the customer s. One  of his customer s is a certain Abby Santini (Elyane Nadeau), who becomes taken in with  Martin. Sh e is a very friendly y oung woman who is depre ssed whe n she tells Martin t hat her  husband is unfaithful. But Martin sti ll does no t have the ner ve to talk  with her, so she is ha ppy to have   some one to conf  ide in with  her  life proble ms. Martin pho nes the radio show ho  st to describe his infatuation with the housewife and senses that she  wants to have sex wi th him. When the ra dio s how host  ask s Marti n if it is a sexual pro blem that he  has involvi  ng wome n criticiz  ing him dur ing sex, Martin replies that he  has never  had  sex with a woman who was awake.  One  day, Mart in travels by train t o outside B raddock to look for victims. At a superm arke  t, he follows a young w oman (S arah Vena ble) home to  her posh s uburb  an house. He sees t he woman's  husband (Richard Ruben stein) l  eave for a  long business trip, and Martin decides this would be the righ t time for more feeding. Martin return s to the hou se a fter dark and breaks in thro ugh the g arage door. But it is Martin who gets  the sur prise when he bursts int o her b edro om to find her i n bed with her adulterous lover Lewis (Al Levi tsky). After  a vicious str uggle, Ma  rtin jabs b oth of them with hyprodermic needles with narcotics, and waits for  the dr ugs to take affect. He  drags the u  nconsc  ious bod y of Lewis fro m the house to a clump  of trees across the street where  he kills him by sho ving a broken tre e branch into his neck and drinks  his blood. Martin ret urns  to t he house where he  has sex with  the unconsciou s woman . But out  of c  ompassion and pity, he decides to let  her live.  Mar tin begins to have romanti  c mo nochro me visions  of his vampi re pas t (real or imagined), wh ere he drained blood from a young woman and was chased through t he str eets of a nameles s European town by a  torch-lit mob.   During one Sunday  at church, Cuda brings home Father Howard (Georg  e A. Romero) wh o asks h im about the possibility of exor cism and demon possession. F athe r Howar d calls upon the elderly Father Zulemans  (Clifford F orrest, Jr.)  over at Cuda9;s request.  Together, Cuda a nd Zul emans conf ront  Martin his bedro om and attempt to  perform an exorc ism on him. At t his point, Ma rtin remembers (another real or imaginary fla shback),  in the Old Country o f peo ple t rying to pe rform an exorcism on him, and he flee s them. Martin then flees from  Cuda  and Zuelmas as well. A little late r that night, Mart in terro rizes Cuda in a childre  n's playground when he puts on a Dracu la cape and puts fa  lse fan gs into his mouth to pretend that   he really is a vampire.  One day, Martin finally mu  sters the coura ge to talk with Mrs. Santin i du ring a routine delivery t o her house where  he tells her that he 9;s awa re of her attempt s to  seduce hi m and wants now to  have sex with her. After h aving s ex for  the f irst time, Mrs.  Santini becomes more depressed for she tel ls Mart in that her hu sband just lef t her because she discovered t hat she cannot bear chi ldren, and that her desires towards  him are  based on sex and nothing else. But Martin  want s to stay wi th her and  help h er move on with her life. Martin tells the   radio show hos t abou t his affair with the  housewife and that he no longer h  as the urg e to attac k other women.  Meanwhile, Arthur  meets with C uda and tells him that he wants Christine to leave town with hi m so they can get  married a nd start a family.  But Christine becomes  angry at Cuda   when he  tells Arthu r that insanity ru ns in thei r family and he shouldn 't co nsider having childr en with her. Shortly afterwards, C hristine packs up and leaves Braddock fo r New  York w ith Arthur despite M artin tel ling her t  hat Arthur is  abusive tow ards her. But her mind is made  up. Before leaving, Christine t ells Martin that she  really ha s no ill feelings t owards him and just wants to m ake a fresh start w ith her life . She says goodbye to hi m and promis es to write. But M artin kn  ows t hat   with an abusive and p  ossessive man in Christine';s life, sh e probably  won't.  Depressed ove r losing h is one  true   frie nd, Marti n phones the radio sh ow host and  tells him that he's get ting "shaky"; and wants to go out looking for mo re victims . That night, Martin tra vels to a rough crime-ridden a rea of Pitt sburgh a nd attacks two derelicts in a all ey, injecting them  with narco tics. H e kills one of them by silting  the bum's wrist and drinking his bloo  d. Martin  is about  to kil l the second  one when a polic e car shows  up and gives cha se. Marti n narrowly escapes  during a  long chase o n foot whi ch leads from the garb age strew streets and through a lo cal store. M artin runs into  an old warehouse wher e a dr ug deal is  going down.  A shootout b  etween the two co  ps and t he three thugs begins where all of them are kil  led, leaving M artin as  the sole survivo r who casually walks  away from th e carnage.  One day, Martin fin ds Mrs.   Santini dea d in h er bathtub,  after she had slit he r writs with a razor blade. Martin  anonymou sly ca lls the police to  report the b ody and leaves. He phones the radio show  host one final ti me to say that h e really doesn't need frie nds or  peopl e to talk to for he is his ow n person. Bu t when Cuda lea rns abou t Mrs.  Santini 9;s suicide, is m istakenly t  hinks Mar  tin killed  her and mad e it look li ke a suicide  as he's  done befo re. Cuda walks into Martin's room whi le he is asleep and kills h im b  y hammering a  wooden stake thr  ough Ma rtin's  hear  t.  Cuda buries Martin's body in  his back garden , while over the closing credits var ious voices from  people are heard talking to the radio show host a  sking  the whereabouts  of ";the Cou  nt&q uot;.    陆灵蹊眨了眨眼,很干脆地把当初在奇怪岛石殿抢来的黑漆漆大鼎放到院中,“老祖,您看它到仙级了吗?我筑基中期就得到它了,一直想打开它,可是,结丹的 时候打不开,元婴以后  还是打不开。到了化神,我一直 忙,就把它忘了,您帮我  瞅瞅,若是能用您就用。”

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