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分类:劇情片 美國 1978

主演:約翰·艾姆普拉斯 林肯·馬澤爾 Christine 



《馬丁》是由知名导演喬治·A·羅梅羅 执导的一部劇情片,約翰·艾姆普拉斯 林肯·馬澤爾 Christine 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Martin (John Ampla s), a young man who looks around 20-years-old, b oards  a train in Indi anapolis, I ndiana for N ew Yo rk. A t night, he brea ks into a s leeping  car and sedates a woman with  a syringe full o f na rcotics. Sh e struggles, but he tel ls her not to struggle or be upset becau se she won t feel pain. After a few minutes, the wo man f alls asl eep, and Martin has  sex with the unconsc ious woman.  Afterwards, he slices her w rists with  a r azor blade s o he can  drink her blood. The   woman bleeds t o de ath in h  er sle ep.   In the morning, the t rain st  ops in Pit tsburgh, Pennsyl vania where Martin disembark s. He is met  by Ta ta Cuda (Lincoln Maazel) an elderly and ho  stile ol d man   who claims t o be h is cousin fr om t   he Old World. To gether, th ey tr avel by another tr ain  to the  town o f Braddock, a dying industrial subur b. They walk to Cu da's large house where he sh  ows Martin his living quart ers. Cuda then accuses Martin of being an 84-y ear-old va mpire fro m his  old countr y. He  has  taken   in Martin because he is fam ily, but tells him, " ;First I will save  your soul.  Then I  shall destroy you.& quot; Martin  denies be ing a vampire and implie s that Cuda  is merel y his uncl e rather than his cousin. Cuda  then pu ts up strings of garlic on the  door s to his  and his granddaughter's  room, and then  hold s up a small  cross whe n Martin approac hes h  im. Marti n takes   away the cross, an d even takes a b ite o f the ga rlic mocking these attempts by s  aying bitt  erly,  "There's no real m agic... ever";. Cu da tells Ma rtin that  he can co me and go as he pleases. But he also warns Martin  that he will kill him if he kills anyone in Braddock. He also tells Martin to s tay away fr om his grand daughter Chr istine (Chr  istine Forrest), whom  arrive s home from her job that evening  .  Cu da intro  duces Chr istine to Martin, but also  warns  her to stay away from him. But Christine instea d strikes u p a friendsh ip with Ma rtin wh o confides in her abo ut his  vampir e heritage. When Cuda  later confirms Mar tin9;s claims to be a vampire, Christine, not surprisin  gly, refuses  to believ e either one. Sh e thinks that Cuda and the other members o f her fami ly h ave driven Martin  to ins  anity by m  aking him think tha t he is  a vam pire. It is never reve aled if Martin real ly is a vampire,  or just a shy and l onely youth with troubled  issues. Christ  ine is the only person that Martin g ets th e courage to talk to. When Christin e's b oyfri end Arthur (Tom Savini) arrives at the house for dinner, Mar tin stops talkin g an d backs away despite Arthur's attempt  at a convers ation. Christine late r confides in Mar tin that she hopes to leave  Braddock someda y with Arthur, even though  Martin points out that Arthur  treats her b adly and is both v erbally a nd physical ly abusive  towards her.  When Christine sees that M artin wo n'  ;t talk t o anyone else, she buys him  a phone wh ich he installs in his room. Martin   begin s to repea tingly call a radio talk show w here he describes what it's lik e to be  a vampire. He becomes known on  the radio as "the Co unt&q uot; to all  the   listeners. But the patron izing host (Michael  Gornick) thinks he' ;s just crazy.  Martin g ets a job at  Cuda's groce ry store of stoc king shel ves, hauling boxes  around, a nd even ge ts to  be a  delivery  boy for  some of t he c ustomers. One of his c usto  mers is a certain Abby Santini  (Elyane Nadeau), who becomes ta ken in with  Martin. She is a very friendly y  oung w oman who is depressed when  she tells Martin that  her husband is unf aithful . But Martin still does  not have the nerve  to talk with her, so she is happy to have  som eone to confide in with her life problem s. Martin  phones the radio s how host to describe his in fatu atio n with the housewi fe and sens es that she w ants to have sex with hi  m. When the radio show  host asks Marti n if it is a  sexual problem  that   he  has involving women criticizing him  during sex, Martin r eplies that  he has never had sex  with a woman who was awake.  On e day, Martin  trav els by  train to outside Br  addock to look  for vict ims. At a supermark  et, he follows a youn g woman (Sarah V enable) home to  her posh suburban  house. He s ees the woman's husband (Richard  Rubenstein) leave for a long bus iness trip, and Marti n decides  this woul d be the right time for more feeding. Martin returns to the ho use after dark and breaks  in through the gar age door. But  it is M artin who get s the  sur prise when he bursts into her bedroom   to find her in bed with her adultero us lover Lew  is (Al Levitsky).  After a vicious struggl e, Mar  tin jabs  both of the m with hyproderm  ic needle s with narco tics, and waits for  the dru gs to tak  e affect . He drags t he unconsci  ous body of Lewis from the house to a c lump of  trees across the stree t where   he kills him by shovin g a b roken tr ee branc h into his neck and drinks his blood.  Martin return s to the house wher e he has sex with the unconscious woman . But out of c ompassion and p ity, he d ecides to let her live.   Martin  begins  to ha ve romantic   monochrome v  isions  of his vampire past (r eal or imagi ned), where he  drained   blood f rom a young woman and was chas ed through the   streets of a nameless Euro pean  town by a torch-lit mob.  During o ne Sun day at church,  Cuda  brings home Father How ard  (George A. Romero) who asks   him abou t the possibilit y of exorcis m and demon p ossession.  Father Howard calls upon the elderly Fa ther Zule mans (Cli fford Forrest, Jr.)   over at  Cuda's re quest. Toge ther, Cu da and Zulemans con front Mar tin his bedroom and attem pt to perfo  rm an exorcism  on him. At this point, Martin remembers (anoth er rea l or   imaginary fla shba ck), in the Old  Country o f people trying to perfor m an exorcism  on him, and he flees  them. M artin then flees from Cuda a nd Zuelmas as w  ell. A little later that n ight, Martin te rrorizes Cu da in a ch ildren&# 39;s playground when he puts on   a Dr acul a cape and  puts false fangs into his mouth to pr etend that  he re ally is a vamp  ire.  O ne day, Martin f inally mu sters the co urage to talk with Mrs. Santini during a routine delivery t o her house where he tells her that he&# 39;s aware o f her attempts to sedu  ce him and wants now to have  sex w ith her. Af ter having sex for the first time , Mrs. Santini becomes more depressed for s  he tells  Martin that her husband just left her  beca use she  discovered  that she c annot bear children, and that her desires towards hi m are based on sex and nothing el  se. Bu  t Martin w ants to stay with  her and help her move on with  her life . Ma rtin tells the r adio show host about his  affair with the hous ewife and that he no long er has  the urge to attack other women.  Meanwhile,  Arthur mee ts with Cud a and tell  s him th at he  wants  Christine to leave tow  n with him so they can get married an d start  a family. But Christine becomes ang ry at Cu da when he tells Arthur that insanity runs in their fami ly and he shouldn  9;t consider havin g ch ildren w  ith her.  Shortly afterwards, Christine packs up and leaves Braddock  for New  York with Arth ur despite Martin telling her that A rthur is abusive towards her.  But her mind i s made u  p. Before leaving, Chris tine  tells Ma rtin th at s he re ally ha s no ill feelings tow  ards   him and just w  ants to make a fresh star  t wi th her life. She says good bye to him and promises to  write.  But Martin knows th at with an abus  ive and p ossessive  man in Christine  's life, she probably won't.  Depressed  over losing his  one true friend, Martin ph  ones the radio show h ost and tells him  that he's g etting ";shaky&q uot; and wants to   go out loo king fo r more victims.  That night, Martin travels to a rough crime-ridde n area of Pittsburgh and att acks two d erelicts i n a alley, injectin g them with narco tics. He kill s one of  them by silting th e bum' s wrist and  drink ing his blood. Martin is about to kill the second one when a po lice car shows up and gives  chase . Martin narrowly  escapes during a lo ng cha  se on foot which leads fr om the garbage strew str   eets an d through  a local store.  Martin runs   into a n old warehouse where a drug  deal is going down. A shootou t between  the two c ops and the th ree thu gs begin s where a  ll of them are killed, leaving M artin as  the sole survivor who casually  walks away from the car nage.  One day, Martin finds Mr s. Sa ntini  dea d in her bathtub, after she  had slit he r writs wit h a razor blad e. Ma rtin   anonymously calls the police to rep ort the body and leaves. He phones t  he radio show host one final time to  say that he re  ally doesn' t need  friends or p eople to  talk t o for he is his own  perso  n. But when Cuda learns about Mr  s. Santini' ;s suicide, is mistakenly thinks Martin killed her and mad e it look li ke a suicide as he's done be fore. Cuda  walks  into Martin's room while he is asleep and  kills him  by hammering a wooden s take throu gh Martin's heart.  Cuda  buries M  artin's bod y in his back garden, while over the clo sing cred its vari ous voices from people  are  heard talking to the rad io show host aski ng the whe reabouts of "the  Count".  想到那个 神出鬼没的东西,印 颜的心又剧烈跳动起来, “本来,昌长老感觉能按 住那条大尾巴,可是,不知怎的,它突然又厉害起来,然后,那小冥兽,好像鬼魅一般,借着地利,连着抹了西才他们的脖子  ,昌长老没办法,才完全放开了身体 的封印。

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