• 正在播放:亨利八世的六個妻子-第01集
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导演:Denise Perrin 

主演:David Starkey Andy Rashleigh Julia Marsen 

《亨利八世的六個妻子》是由知名导演Denise Perrin 执导的一部歐美綜藝,David Starkey Andy Rashle 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  The women who married Henry V  III have b  ecome defined   not by  the way they lived but by the way their  lives e nded.  They are  seen a  s victims  of a bloated tyrant, dese rving pity,  but n ot  respect.  However, have we under-estimated them an d are  historia ns right to   have merely portrayed them a s bit-pa rt players in H enry's  story?  Usi ng dramatic reconstruction and passio nate narration,  e minent histo rian and presenter Dr David  Starkey focuse s  on the stories of th e women themselves, revealin g in   intima te detail t heir experiences of sex, childbi rth a nd the  glamorous,   dangerous life at court, including the deadly  intrigues that dethro ned  th  em.  这一次,她直接从袖中  暗袋里摸出一个大型 储物袋,“知道我 要来见您,不仅爷爷让我给您带了好些黄金谷做成的米饭和各类点心,就是我师父师叔他们,都逼着宗里的大师父,给您弄了好些好吃的,我师姐采 薇还把她弄的极品花 茶给我了。”

  • 8.0分2001 已完结

    犯罪現場調查 第二季

  • 1.0分2001 已完结


  • 8.0分2001 已完结


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