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巴斯克維爾獵犬 電子書

9.0 力荐

分类:愛情片 其它 1937

主演:Peter Voß Friedrich Kayßl 

导演:Carl Lamac 


巴斯克維爾獵犬,巴斯克維爾獵犬 電子書,福爾摩斯 巴斯克維爾獵犬, 《巴斯克維爾獵犬 電子書》是由知名导演Carl Lamac 执导的一部愛情片,Peter Voß Friedrich Kayßl 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A most pleasi ngly atm ospheric r endition of the t ale, noirishly photograp hed and mo  odily se t, this is  the version   which  probably w ould have de lighted Con  an Doyle the most . There is one impor tant plo t cha nge which enable s the be autiful Alice Brandt to enjoy both a larger role and a more intriguing part in  the procee dings. This change also builds up th e parts of Dr Morti mer and Lord Char les, yet at the same time provides a nice introduction to the is-he-sinister or is-he-a-good-guy Barrymore,  deftly pla  yed here by  Fritz Ras  p.   Despite the  sting of i ts w  ell-devel oped story, the spellbin dingly  atmosph eric direction and the engrossing  performance s delivered  by the entire cast,  many fans may find this v ersion somewhat di sappointing. For at least three rea sons  : As in the novel, the  part played in the narrative by S herlock Holmes, th ough vital , is minimal.  And  in this  version, not only has no attem pt b een made to en large his role, i f anything both write r and director do thei r best to minimize it. H olmes does not even ma  ke his  entranc e for hal f-an-ho ur, and when he does finally appear, he ha  s his bac k to the cam era. It is Fritz O demar, as  Dr Watson, who receives the mo re favorable  camera angles. And there is a purpose in thi s. It   is Watson, not  Holmes, w ho f igures as  the main pr otagonist  of The H ound of th e Baskervill es. For the bulk of th e narrat  ive, Holmes d  isappears. It is Watson and Lord Henry (Pe ter Voss) wh  o take up   the running. The movie is almost over, be  fore Holmes closes in on t he villain. And even so, this  is not the obs essed, self-important Holmes we are  accustomed  to see  taki ng charge. Another prob lem is th at the tit  le hound itself does  not figure a gr eat deal in  the action, a downgradi ng which wil  l undoubt edly rate as another  major disappointment for fans. And finally, it  could b  e argued t hat the script g ives  too much attentio  n to Con an Doyle';s red  herring, the escaped convict, and not enough to the real villai  n.  This said, it must sur ely be admitted b y all, that  Odemar's interpretation of W atson—intel ligent, charmin g, level-headed, cou rageous and resourceful—is much  closer to Con an Doyle& #39;s co nception th an either t he bungling, inv eterately stupid Nigel Bruce or the self-eff acing Ian Fleming.  O ne other player d eserves  special mention: Er ich P onto (Dr Win kel in  The T  hird Man) who seems exac tly   right for St apleton. A difficul t part, superbly playe d.  - JohnHoward Reid, imdb  此时,球中 的陆灵蹊在小小的水镜中 ,清楚地看到了外面的一切,她小 心地戳了戳蓝玉 板上的另一个好像半圆的符文,腰间一股柔  力袭来,把她挤到一边, 一张好像全由小网织成的东 西,从两端连结到 到一起,看着……似乎是可 以躺的。

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