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信奉者 読み方

10.0 力荐

分类:紀錄片 其它 2015


导演:Mohammed Naqvi Hemal Trivedi 


信奉者,信奉者 英文,信奉者 とは,信奉者 意味,信奉者 english,信奉者 宗教,信奉者 読み方,信奉者 信者 違い,信奉者 類語,信奉者の森 商人, 《信奉者 読み方》是由知名导演Mohammed Naqvi Hemal Trivedi 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Contro versial Pa   kistani  cleric Maulana Aziz, lin ked to the Taliban, declares jihad against  the go vernment t o impose sharia l aw. The government r etalia tes by destr  oying his seminary,   killing his mother, brother, his only son  and  150 stud ents. The  film follows charming y et menacin g Maula na Aziz on his personal quest to create an  Islam ic utopia, which causes the count  ry to implod e. The Red Mosqu  e ha  s students a llied with ISIL, and strong tie s to the Taliban. We meet t wo Red Mosqu e students  whose paths diverge: T alha, 12, leaves his mo derate Musli m family  to study to  be a jihad i preacher. Zarin a, also 12, escapes  her madrassa an d joins a normal school. Her education is threate ned by frequent  Taliban att acks on schools like  her own. In Decembe r, 2 014, the T aliban massacred 132 scho olchildren in Peshawar, outr aging P akistan9;s  moderate   majority. Aziz9;s l ongtime oppo nent, educa tion refo  rmer Perv ez Hoodb hoy joins  the re-energized anti-extremist movement. Thro  ughout th e film, he passionatel y opposes Aziz on tel evision and public   forums.  With the t ide turning against the cleric, Pervez is determined to see Aziz put in jai l. I ntimate and brutally honest , AMONG THE BEL IEVERS offers ra  re insight i nto the ideologic al battle shapin g Pakistan and  the  Muslim world  .   Pakistan's notorious  cleric M  aulana Aziz, with links to Taliban, declares jihad against the gover nment to impose s haria law. This   sparks a b loody war and caus es the country to i mplode. Along with Aziz's ques t, the f ilm charts the c oming-of-age stories of his  two students w ho are trapped in this ideolo gical  war.   说到这里,她   把她在幽古战场好不容易 拍来的宝物拿出,“师父,这是我们在大拍卖会上拍到的春月莲子,一共  有四十九枚,听 云天海阁的朋友 说,他们的宗主,以前就 服用过不少春月  莲子,您试试看,有没有用,如果有用,我们以后多替您留意 着。”



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