• 正在播放:一點雙人秀 第四季-第04集
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导演:Roger Ordish Bob Spiers Nick Symons Kevin Bishop 

主演:休·勞瑞 Hugh Laurie 斯蒂芬·弗雷 Stephen Fry Deborah Norton 

《一點雙人秀 第四季》是由知名导演Roger Ordish Bob Spiers Nick Symons Kevin Bishop 执导的一部美劇,休·勞瑞 Hugh Laurie 斯蒂芬·弗雷 S 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A   Bit of Fry &amp; La urie was a  British  television  sketch comedy show, starr ing and wr itten by  Stephen Fry and H ugh Laurie, broadcast by the BBC between 1989   and 1995. Running for four series, it totalled 2 6 episo des (inclu ding a 35 minute special in 1  987) .  Series fo ur (1995 )  [edi t]Episode 1  Guests : John Bird, Jane Bo oker  Sket ches:  Grey and Hopeless  Guest  s Introduction  Blame  Ch arter   Jan e's Poe m (NOTE: Scr ipt appe ared in first scrip t book as Stephen9;s Poem, but the p oem i s the same,  except the line  about hi s wife dying is changed to Jane9;s gr andfather being murder ed.)    Smell  All We Gotta&#39; Do (song; Laurie perform ed this  song when he hos ted "Satur day Night Live&qu ot; in 2006)  Channel Changer   Wonderful Life  Cocktail Ending: Gold en Mete orite    [edit]Episode 2    Guests: Fiona G illies, Kevin McN ally   Sketc hes:   Dog Hamper  Hugh's Bandag e   Child Abuse   Gu ests  Introducti on  Go ing for Gold  I'm i n love  with Steff i Graf ( song)   Lovers' Helper  Fascion   Avenger  O perational Criteria  C ocktail  Ending: Lon g, Confident Suck  [ edit  ]Episode 3  Guest s: Imelda  Staunton, C live Mantle  Sketches:  Vo x Pops  Gu  ests Introduction    Barman< br/>  Interruptus    Little Girl (s ong)    Making Tea  For Some Reason Angry  D on't Be Dirty   Cocktail Ending: South Seas Vulvic Wa rt  [edit]Episode 4  Gue sts: Carol ine Quentin, Patrick  Barlow  Ske tches:  Good Evening   Guests Introduction  S occer School  Dalliard: Models   Hugh Intervie wing Guests  The polite  rap (song)  Head Gardener  Gelliant Gutfright(&quo t;Flow ers For W endy&quot;)  Cocktai l Ending: A Quick  One With Y ou, S  tephen  [e dit]Epi sode 5  Guests : Phylli da Law, Stephen Moore  Sketches:  Oprah Winfrey  Guest s Introduction   Grand Prix< br/>  Tribunal  Red and Shiny   Pooch  Di sgusting< br/>  Wasps  Cocktail End ing: Swinging Ballsack  [ed it]Episode 6  Guests: None  Sk etche s:  Stolen Money  Young Tory of the Year  V ariety   Gos siping Heads  Death  Threa t  What  I Mind (Misu nderstood) (Song)  Ho nda  The Duk e of Northampton  Cocktail Ending: Silver Prostate   [edit]Episode 7  G uests: Janine Duvitski, Robert  Daws  Sketc hes:  Guests  Introdu ction  Religianto  Consent  Sophis ticat ed Song (s ong)   Fast  Monologue    Telephone Alert   T ruancy   Cocktail Endin g: A Modern Britain  按规 矩,两人每收一个人的好  处,就要往外掏点货,偏偏他们是一个一个飞升 的,总不好意思把说过的消息,再给他们来一 遍,没办法 下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他们摆了一席,两人把该说的都说了, 只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主 被人伏杀

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