• 正在播放:一點雙人秀 第四季-第07集
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导演:Roger Ordish Bob Spiers Nick Symons Kevin Bishop 

主演:休·勞瑞 Hugh Laurie 斯蒂芬·弗雷 Stephen Fry Deborah Norton 

《一點雙人秀 第四季》是由知名导演Roger Ordish Bob Spiers Nick Symons Kevin Bishop 执导的一部美劇,休·勞瑞 Hugh Laurie 斯蒂芬·弗雷 S 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A Bit of Fry  & Laurie was a British television sketch comedy show, sta  rring and w ritten by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie , bro adcast by the BBC between 1989 and 1995. Running fo r four serie s, it totalled 26 episodes ( includin  g a 35 minute speci al in 19 87).  Se ries four (1995)  [edit]E pisode 1  Guests: John Bird, Jane  Booker  Sket ches:  G rey a  nd Hopeless  Guests I ntrod uction   Blame  Cha rter  Jane&# 39;s Poem (NOTE: Script appeared in f irst script book as Stephen  9;s Poem,  but the poem is the same, except the line about his wife dying  is changed to Jane 's grandfather be ing  murdered.)  Smell  All We Gotta& #39;  Do (song; Laurie performed this song when he h osted " ;Saturday Nig ht Live "  in 2006)  Channel  Changer  Wonderful Lif e  Cocktail End ing:  Golden Meteorite  [edit]E pisode 2  Gu ests: Fiona Gillies, Kevi n McNally  Sketc hes:  Dog Hampe r  Hugh's Bandage  Child Abus e   Guests Introduction  Going  for Gold  I' ;m in love with Stef fi Graf  (song)  Lovers' Helper  Fascion  Avenger   Operational  Criteria  Co cktail Ending  : Long, Confident Su ck  [edit]Episode 3  Guests: Imelda  Staunto n, Cl ive Mantle  S ketches:  V ox Pops  Guests I ntroduction   Barman  Interruptus  Little Girl (s ong)  Making Tea  For Some Re ason Angry  Don& #39;t Be Dirty    Cocktail Ending: South Seas  Vulvic Wart  [edit ]Episode 4  Guests: Carol ine Q uentin, Patric k Barlow  Sk etches:  Goo d Eve ning   Gues ts Introduction  Soccer S chool    Dalliard: Models  Hugh  Interviewin g Guests  The  polite r ap (song)  Head Gardener  Gelliant Gutfright(&q uot;Flowers For Wendy")   Cocktail Ending: A Quick One With You,  Stephen  [edit]Episode 5  Gu ests: Phyllida Law, Stephen Moore  Sk etches:   Oprah Winfrey  Guest s Introd uction  G rand Prix  Tribuna l  Red and Shiny  Pooch  Disgusting  Wasps  Cocktail End ing: Swin  ging Balls ack    [edit ]Epi sode 6  Guests: None   Sketches:  Stolen   Mon  ey  Young Tory of the  Year  Va riety    Gos siping Heads   Death Threat   What I Min d (M isundersto od) (Song)  H onda   The Duke of Northampton  Coc ktail Ending: Silver  Prostate  [   edit] Episode 7  Guests: Ja nine Duvitski, Ro bert Daws  Sk etches:  Guests Intr oduction  Religianto  Consent  Sophisticat ed So ng (song)  Fas t Monologue  Teleph one A  lert   Truancy  Coc  ktail End ing: A Moder n Brita in  想到那个神出鬼没的东西 ,印颜的心又剧烈 跳动起来,“本来,昌长老感觉能按住那条 大尾巴,可是,不知怎 的,它突然又厉害起来,然 后,那小 冥兽,好像鬼魅一般,借着地利,连着抹了西才他们的脖子,昌长老没办法 ,才完全放开了 身体的封印。

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  • 9.0分1995 已完结


  • 6.0分1995 已完结


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  • 3.0分1995 24集全

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  • 5.0分1995 46集全


  • 9.0分1995 全22集


  • 1.0分1995 完结


  • 2.0分1995 6集全


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