• 正在播放:一點雙人秀 第四季-第05集
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导演:Roger Ordish Bob Spiers Nick Symons Kevin Bishop 

主演:休·勞瑞 Hugh Laurie 斯蒂芬·弗雷 Stephen Fry Deborah Norton 

《一點雙人秀 第四季》是由知名导演Roger Ordish Bob Spiers Nick Symons Kevin Bishop 执导的一部美劇,休·勞瑞 Hugh Laurie 斯蒂芬·弗雷 S 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A Bit of  Fry & Lau rie was a British television ske tch comedy s how, st arring and writte n by Stephen Fry and Hu gh Laurie, broadcast by the BBC between  1989 and 1995. Running for four series, it  totalled 26 ep isodes (in cluding a 35 minute special in 1987).  Ser ies four ( 1995)  [edit]Episode 1   Guests : John Bird, Jane Boo ker  Sketches:  Grey and Hopeless  Gue sts Intr  oduction  Blame  Cha rter< br/>  Jane's Poem (NOTE: Script appeared in fir st script book as Steph  en&#39;s P oem, but the poem  is the same,  except  the line about his w ife dying is changed to Jane&#39;s grandf ather being  murd ered.)   Smell   All We Gotta& #39;  Do (song; La   urie performe d this song  when he hosted "Saturday Night Live& quot; in 2006)  Channel Chan ger  Wonderful Life  Co  cktail Ending: Golde n Meteorite   [edit]Episo de 2  G  uests: Fiona Gillies, K evin McNally   Sketches:   Dog Hamper   Hugh&#39;s Bandage  Chil d Abuse  Guests In troduction  G oing for G old  I'  m in love  with Steffi Graf (song)  Love rs' Helper  Fascion   Avenger  O  perational Criteria  Coc ktail End  ing: Long, Co nfident Suck   [edit]Episode 3  Guests: Imel da Staunton , Clive Mantle  Ske tches:< br/>  Vox Po   ps  G uests  Introduct ion  Barman   Interruptus  Little Girl ( song)< br/>   Makin  g Tea   For Some Re ason Angr y  D on9;t Be Dirty  Cockt ail Ending : South Seas Vul vic Wa  rt  [edit]Episode  4  Gue sts:  Caroline Quentin, Patr ick Barlow   Sketc hes:  Good Evening  Guests Introd uction  Soccer School<  br/>  Dalli ard: Mode ls  Hug  h Interviewing Guests  T he poli te rap (song)   Head Gardener  Gelliant Gutfrig ht(&quo t;Flowers For Wendy&q uot;)  Cocktail  Ending: A Quick On e With You, Stephen  [ed  it]Episode 5  Guests: Phyllida Law, Ste phen Moore  Sketche s:  Oprah Winfre y  Gu ests Intr  oduction  Grand Prix   Tribu nal  Red and Shi ny  Pooch< br/>  Di sgusting  Wasp s  Cocktail Ending: Swingin g Ballsack  [edit] Episode  6   Guests: None  Sketches:  Stolen Mone y  Youn  g Tory of the Year   Variety< br/>  Go ssiping Head s  Death Threat  W hat I Mi nd (Misunde  rstood) (Song)     Honda  The D uke of Northa  mpton  Cocktail Ending: S ilver Pr ostate   [e dit]Episod e 7  Guests:  Janine  Duvitski,  Robert Daws  Sketches:  Guests Introduction  Religianto< br/>    Consent  Sophisticated So ng (song)  Fast Monologu e  Telepho ne Alert  Trua ncy  Cockta il Ending: A  Modern Britain  从师父 那里,听过很 多故事的卫九锡看了眼正在上香的人 ,就接着八卦道:“我师父 说,八臂神猿的地宫下,压的是万生魔神,那位魔神能够分 神万千, 但有任何一个分 神在外,他都不可能死。所以 ,镇他之人,必须是个意 志坚定,认了死理后,绝不会被外物影 响的八臂神猿。”

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  • 9.0分1995 已完结


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  • 1.0分1995 完结


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