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主演:薩姆·德·格拉斯 Francelia Billington 埃裏克·馮·施特羅海姆 Fay Holderness Richard Cumming 

《盲目的丈夫們》是由知名导演埃裏克·馮·施特羅海姆 执导的一部愛情片,薩姆·德·格拉斯 Francelia Billin 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Two diff erences be tween  this Austrian version and the generally av ailable  American version are  immedi ately obvious:  they differ bo th in their lengt  h and in the lan guage of the i ntertitles. The American version is only 1,883  metres  long - at 18 fr ames per second a dif ference o f some 7  minut es to the Austri an version with 2,0 45 metres. Whe reas  we origi nally presumed on ly a ne gligible dif ferenc e, resulting from the varying length of the intert itle s, a  direct comparison has neverthel ess sh  own t hat the Austrian  version  dif fers from the American version  both in the  montag e and in the duration of indivi dual scenes.  Yet how could it h  appen that the later reg  ional  distributio n of a canonical US silent f ilm was longer than   the " original version&  quot;?   The preva lent American versi on of Blind Husbands does  not corres pond to the version  shown at the premiere  of 1919. This little- known fa ct was al ready publ ishe d by Richard Koszarski in 1983. Th e film was re-rel eased by Universal Pict ures in 1924, in a ver sion that was 1 ,365 f eet (416 met res) shorte r. At 18 frames  per secon d, this a mounts to a time dif ference of 20 minut  es! "Titles were altered, snippets of action removed and at le ast one major s  cene taken o ut entire ly, where v on Steube n and Ma rgaret vis it a small  local c hapel.&q uot; (Koszar ski)  From the present stat e of res  earch w e can a  ssume that all the known American copie  s of the f ilm derive from thi s shor tened re-release v ersion, a copy of which Universal donate  d to the Museum o  f Mo dern Art in 1941. Acc ording to Koszarski th e origin al nega tive of the film was des troyed so metime be  tween 1956 and 1961 and has therefore been irretrievably lost. This information  casts an in  terestin g light on the  Austrian  ver sion, which can be dat ed to the period between the summe r of  1921 and t  he winter of 192 2. Furth ermor e, the copy is some  200 metres  longer than the US version of 192 4. If one follow s the details given by Richar d Koszarski  and Arthur Lennig, t his means that, as far as both its date an  d its length  are conc erned, the A  ustrian version lies almost exactly in the m iddle betw een the (lost  ) version shown at t he premiere and the re-released  one.A large part of the additional length  of the film  can be trac ed to cut s tha t were mad e to the 1924 version in almos t every shot. Koszarski describes how the beg inning and the end of scenes were trim med,  in ord er to "speed up&qu  ot; the film . However, more exciting was th e discovery that the Au strian version contains shots that are m issing in the America n one - shots/count  ershots, intertitles - and furthermore show s differences in its montage ( i.e. the p  lacing of the  individu al shots wi thin a seque nce). All this i ndic ates that Die Rache der  Berge cons titutes the oldest and m ost complet  ely preserved materi  al of the film .  说到这里,  木头人顿了顿,“你可能不知道,我主 人一直怀疑,他们之中, 有早就到这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。 他说,那个人智计无双,大家一直 查不到他 ,可能是因为,那人的修为远在他 们之上,是 对方隐藏起来的 第三位圣者。”

  • 8.0分1952 HD中字


  • 7.0分1926 HD中字


  • 5.0分1937 HD中字


  • 6.0分1919 HD中字


  • 3.0分1919 HD中字


  • 5.0分1950 HD中字


  • 9.0分1922 HD中字


  • 5.0分1928 HD中字


  • 5.0分1926 HD


  • 3.0分1943 HD


  • 7.0分1950 HD



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